Why We Need Better Terms For People Who Identify As Two Or More Races. When I was a kid,...
JoinedAugust 5, 2020
Siamo stati tutti con gli occhi fissati sulle nuove Miss d’oltreoceano, più o meno blackish, ma a casa nostra, qui...
Cree artist Kent Monkman inaugurates The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Great Hall Commission with “mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People).” Photo Credit:...
In a tense moment on a full plane, Ruth King gets a glimpse of the inner strength of equanimity. Several...
Prima o poi, mentre accresci il tuo studio sulle culture africane, incontrerai il classico ricercatore Europoide di “Africanistica”, che affermerà...
DRAPER, Sharon M. Blended. 320p. Atheneum/Caitlyn Dlouhy Bks. Oct. 2018. Tr $16.99. ISBN 9781442495005. Isabella isn’t just half white and half black....
It all started when my mom met my dad. My dad served his church mission in the Philippines and that...
As biracial people become increasingly common in the U.S., bias based on perceived rather than actual identity will, too. In 2009, Nathaniel Burrage...
Giovanni camminava per strada con suo padre per andare dall’edicolante dove, ogni giorno, comprava il giornale. Una volta arrivati, salutarono...