The American Family Association is not amused by the upcoming Adult Swim comedy “Black Jesus.” The group’s One Million Moms...
A couple of years ago, I wrote a post for my personal blog about my experience with being biracial. (You...
Scott Woods (X) The quote I used in this post. (“The problem is that white people see racism as conscious...
Robert Trivers (classe 1943) è un biologo evoluzionista e sociobiologo americano, Professore di Antropologia e Scienze Biologiche presso la Rutgers...
Okay, so, let me know if you find the following scene rather absurd: — Sam Watson enters the hotel room...
My 4-year-old mixed heritage daughter is defining her own ethnic identity (I’m Listening: What My Mixed Race Daughter is Teaching...
Qualche sera fa, ad una cena, sono stata ispirata dalla passione di un amico per “il camminare”. Non...
Improving black students’ learning doesn’t “start at home.” (So important 4 tchrs 2 understand, communicate this analysis: #mustread #edchat...
theGRIO REPORT – It’s a story, which many might find far-fetched: A biracial black woman led to believe most of...