Dear White People follows four black students at a prestigious, majority-white college, where racial tensions are threatening to bring chaos...
All Africans don’t have Ebola!!!!!!! West Africans Film Video To Combat Ebola Stigma Via Raw Story reports: Faced with growing...
“These characters are all battling how to be authentic, not how to be black or authentically black, because that’s fiction....
Boston Globe Yes, white people really believe black people are magical Boston Globe A new study suggests it’s not just...
Ultimamente sento parlare tanto di questo fantomatico virus Ebola e non guardando la televisione e non fidandomi dei media tradizionali,...
A new Banksy piece appeared in a small British town, which the artist authenticated via his website. Alas, by that time, the...
Justin Simien’s film is funny, but it pushes viewers to think seriously about race and stereotypes in their own lives....
It makes sense that White people use completely illogical arguments to derail conversations about racism, because the current racial hierarchy...